Achieves Remarkable Growth with

Explore the inspiring journey of, the Dubai-based online marketplace dedicated to serving children and moms. Founded and led by Masumi Aggarwal, has redefined the online shopping experience for families. This case study delves into how partnered with as their hosting provider, resulting in significant growth, cost savings, and exceptional service.

The Challenge:, with its focus on kids and moms, faced the challenge of delivering a seamless online shopping experience. To meet their goals, they needed a reliable hosting partner capable of handling increasing traffic and ensuring fast website performance.’s Transformation:

Discover how overcame their hosting challenges by choosing as their hosting provider. This case study highlights the impact on website performance, cost-efficiency, and the positive changes that empowered to thrive.

Conversation with Masumi Aggarwal, CEO and Founder of

KloudBean: Can you please introduce yourself and your role at

Masumi Aggarwal: I’m Masumi Aggarwal, the CEO and Founder of Based in Dubai, I lead our strategic initiatives, manage key partnerships, and ensure our platform offers the best shopping experience for kids and moms. My role encompasses leadership, business management, and customer satisfaction.

KloudBean: What does offer, and who is your target audience?

Masumi Aggarwal: is an online marketplace specializing in products for kids and moms. Our mission is to provide a wide range of high-quality items that cater to the needs of families. Our target audience consists of parents, particularly moms, and anyone seeking top-notch products for children and mothers.

KloudBean: Why did you choose as’s hosting provider, and what has your experience been like with their services?

Masumi Aggarwal: As our platform grew, we needed a hosting solution capable of handling increased traffic and offering scalability. We made the decision to partner with in 2023, and the transition was seamless. Our experience with has been exceptional, resulting in improved website performance, increased sales, and improved SEO rankings.

KloudBean: Could you describe the performance of’s website? How quickly does it load, and what impact has had on downtime and overall speed?

Masumi Aggarwal: With’s support, our website now loads in less than 2 sec, and our page speed ratings are A. This represents a significant improvement compared to our previous hosting provider, where we struggled to achieve satisfactory speeds.

KloudBean: How has hosting helped handle high levels of traffic and scale effectively?

Masumi Aggarwal: Our platform experiences seasonal peaks in traffic, especially during special events and promotions. With, we can easily scale our server resources up and down as needed. This efficient and cost-effective solution allows us to meet high traffic demands without breaking the bank.

KloudBean: What security measures have you utilized from to protect and customer data? How do you view’s backup solutions?

Masumi Aggarwal: We appreciate’s efforts in providing protection against bots and securing our website. While we have added a Web Application Firewall (BitninjaWAF) for additional security, we believe there is room for improvement in this area.’s backup solutions have been reliable, and we perform backups every 12 Hours, ensuring the safety of our data.

KloudBean: Have you used any of the additional features offered by, such as Cloudflare integration? If so, what has been your experience with these features?

Masumi Aggarwal: We have integrated Cloudflare CDN into our setup. Cloudflare has significantly improved website speed and enhanced bot protection. We are eagerly awaiting the release of full-page caching to further optimize our website performance.

KloudBean: How has the cost-effectiveness of hosting benefited’s business operations and overall profitability?

Masumi Aggarwal: Using has helped us reduce up to 60% of server costs, and if we consider scalability, we have reduced up to 50% of our costs. Hosting can be expensive, but with on-demand scalability, we save both server costs and labor hours. For example, during a sale event, we pay only the extra cost for the duration we need, which can be as short as 3 days, and the scaling process takes just 10 minutes and a few clicks.

KloudBean: How has hosting enabled to provide customers with a seamless and user-friendly online shopping experience?

Masumi Aggarwal: We always aimed for a responsive, fast-loading website. Approximately 80% of our traffic comes from mobile users who expect quick load times. High-speed loading is crucial for providing a great user experience and increasing conversions. With, our server handles 2-3 times more traffic than our previous host at a 50% cost reduction. Additionally, we’ve seen more organic search results on Google for Switching to was a game-changer for our brand.

3tecsolutions: Experiences Remarkable 10x Growth, Achieves 80% Faster Load Times, and Eliminates Downtime with Kloudbean Managed Services

About 3Tecsolutions

Navigating the complex landscape of digital agencies involves numerous challenges, including acquiring new projects, adhering to deadlines, and fulfilling client expectations. Agencies must strategically use resources and tools to scale effectively. In this case study, we spotlight, a Pune-based company with a global clientele of over 200 clients, and their partnership with KloudBean.

The Challenge:, headquartered in Pune, India, had successfully served over 200 clients worldwide but faced the complexities of managing diverse tech stacks across different interfaces. To streamline their operations and eliminate hosting-related challenges, they sought a hosting partner that could offer an all-in-one solution.

3tecsolutions Evolution:

As 3tecsolutions expanded its global reach, managing various hosting solutions became a cumbersome task. This case study delves into the challenges they encountered and how KloudBean emerged as the ideal hosting partner to simplify their server operations.

Conversation with Aditya Thripathi, CEO and Owner of 3tecsolutions:

KloudBean: Could you introduce yourself and outline your role at

Aditya Thripathi: I’m Aditya Thripathi, the CEO and Owner of Based in Pune, India, my role encompasses overseeing the company’s overall operations and strategic direction. My responsibilities include managing client relationships, ensuring our services’ successful delivery, and driving our business’s growth. I work closely with our talented team to ensure that we consistently meet our clients’ expectations and deliver exceptional results.

KloudBean: Please provide an overview of’s services, clients, market reach, team size, and unique selling points (USP).

Aditya Thripathi: is a technology solutions company specializing in web development and digital marketing services. We proudly serve over 200 clients worldwide and have a dedicated team of professionals with expertise in various domains. Our focus is to provide innovative and reliable solutions that empower our clients’ digital presence and help them achieve their business goals.

Currently, we serve clients in India and internationally, expanding our reach to various markets. We take pride in our team of highly skilled professionals who possess expertise in different areas, allowing us to offer comprehensive solutions tailored to our clients’ specific needs. Our USP lies in our ability to provide cutting-edge technology solutions focusing on performance, security, and customer satisfaction.

KloudBean: What prompted you to explore KloudBean’s services, and how did they address the major issues that led to your decision to switch to them?

Aditya Thripathi: As our business grew, we faced several server performance and security challenges. We managed our own servers, which required significant time, effort, and technical expertise. We realized that we needed a managed hosting solution that could alleviate these challenges and enable us to focus more on our core business activities.

During our research, we came across KloudBean, a managed cloud hosting platform known for its reliability, scalability, and top-notch security. We were particularly interested in their performance optimizations and robust security measures. After evaluating their features and comparing them with other providers, we decided to give KloudBean a try.

The tipping point for us was the consistent downtime and slow loading speeds we experienced with our previous hosting solutions. This affected our clients’ websites and our reputation as a reliable technology partner.

KloudBean addressed our issue by providing a highly optimized infrastructure, utilizing caching technologies, Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), and advanced server configurations. As a result, our clients’ websites experienced a significant improvement in performance, with faster loading times and almost zero downtime. More importantly, we and our clients enjoy cutting-edge and really fast support.

KloudBean: How has KloudBean contributed to your project success, and how do its features align with your needs?

Aditya Thripathi: KloudBean has been instrumental in our success. Their platform has provided us with various features that directly align with our needs and have significantly impacted our projects.

Firstly, KloudBean’s seamless scalability has allowed us to handle increased traffic of thousands of concurrent users without worrying about server limitations. We can easily upgrade server resources as needed, ensuring optimal performance for our clients’ websites during high-traffic periods.

Secondly, KloudBean’s focus on performance optimization has greatly improved our websites’ speed and loading times by up to 80%. This has positively impacted user experience, increasing customer engagement and higher conversion rates.

KloudBean’s robust security measures have protected our clients’ websites and data. Their regular security patching, dedicated firewalls, and real-time monitoring have significantly reduced security incidents, providing peace of mind to our clients and reinforcing our reputation as a trusted technology partner.

How Kloudbean Helped DataSans in Handling Technical Server Issues and Scaling Ecommerce Stores Seamlessly

Case Study: Enhancing E-Commerce with Datasans and KloudBean


Navigating the complex landscape of digital agencies involves numerous challenges, including acquiring new projects, adhering to deadlines, and fulfilling client expectations. Agencies must strategically use resources and tools to scale effectively. In this case study, we spotlight Datasans, a distinguished e-commerce platform and marketplace integrator based in Los Angeles, CA, and its successful partnership with KloudBean.

The Challenge:

Since its inception, Datasans has been a significant force in the e-commerce industry, catering to thousands of merchants and specializing in marketplace extensions and add-ons. Rapid expansion necessitated a hosting partner capable of supporting their growth trajectory.

Datasans’ Evolution:

In search of a suitable hosting solution, Datasans experimented with various providers but struggled to find one that fully met their requirements. This case study delves into the challenges Datasans encountered while scaling their Magento stores and how KloudBean emerged as the ideal hosting solution.

Conversation with Rohit Katare, CEO and Owner of Datasans:

KloudBean: Could you introduce yourself and outline your role at Datasans?

Rohit Katare: I’m Rohit Katare, the CEO and Owner of Datasans. Based at our headquarters in Los Angeles, CA, I oversee our strategic direction, manage key partnerships, and ensure project delivery aligns with our high standards. My role involves a blend of leadership, project management, and client relations.

KloudBean: What are the core services of Datasans, and who is your target market?

Rohit Katare: Established in 2010, Datasans specializes in e-commerce solutions, focusing on multivendor marketplace extensions and integrations with leading global marketplaces. Our clientele includes a diverse range of businesses seeking robust e-commerce platforms. Our success is reflected in our recognition, including our repeated listing on the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award Winner List.

KloudBean: How did KloudBean become your chosen hosting partner?

Rohit Katare: Our search for an exceptional hosting provider led us to KloudBean. Their unparalleled support, user-friendly configurations, and educational resources made them the obvious choice. KloudBean’s commitment to customer service and technical excellence aligns perfectly with our business needs.

KloudBean: How has KloudBean supported Datasans’ growth and client projects?

Rohit Katare: KloudBean has been pivotal in managing the technical aspects of our Magento projects, simplifying server management for our clients. Their advanced caching and server technologies have enhanced our Magento 2.x applications’ performance significantly.

KloudBean: What has been your experience with KloudBean’s services?

Rohit Katare: Our initial interactions with KloudBean were marked by exceptional support and ease of use. The platform’s straightforward configuration and proactive live chat support have been invaluable in resolving issues swiftly.

Taskar Group Achieves Healthcare Excellence with KloudBean Managed Cloud

Taskar Group, a well-known name in the healthcare industry for the past decade, is making significant strides in India and MENA countries with its Turn-Key Project Consultancy services. “Taskar – India’s 1st healthcare mall,” an innovative concept dedicated to healthcare access for all, has become a movement. This is a conversation with Shubham Chauhan, the Tech Lead at Taskar Group, about the challenges they faced and how they overcame them with KloudBean.

KloudBean: Can you tell us about your role at Tasker Group and your responsibilities?

Shubham Chauhan: I am Shubham Chauhan, the Tech Lead at Taskar Group. Over the past 4 years, I’ve witnessed steady growth in our business. My responsibilities include lead generation, customer retention, contracting, outreach, web development, web design, marketing, PPC, SEO, copy creation, server provisioning, and finances.

KloudBean: What services does Taskar Group provide, your client base, and your unique selling points (USP)?

Shubham Chauhan: Taskar Group offers a range of services, including Turn-Key Project Consultancy. We currently serve 16 active clients, ranging from large businesses to individuals entering the healthcare industry. Our USP lies in our ability to support healthcare projects of all sizes and provide tailored solutions.

KloudBean: How did you first hear about KloudBean, and what specific challenges prompted the switch to KloudBean?

Shubham Chauhan: We discovered KloudBean as we were searching for an alternative hosting provider. The primary challenge we faced was high hosting fees that were eating into our revenue. Performance and security were major concerns. Since migrating to KloudBean, we’ve witnessed significant improvements in cost, website performance, security, and outstanding customer support.

KloudBean: Prior to KloudBean, which hosting solution were you using, and are you using any other hosting service currently?

Shubham Chauhan: We were using Azure and AWS, but the costs were skyrocketing, and the application’s stability was a major issue. After switching to KloudBean, we no longer require other management services.

KloudBean: What were your initial impressions when you first started using KloudBean?

Shubham Chauhan: Setting up our infrastructure with KloudBean was remarkably straightforward. The platform’s ease of use and quick provisioning of resources left a strong positive impression.

KloudBean: What, in your opinion, sets KloudBean apart from other hosting providers?

Shubham Chauhan: KloudBean’s differentiation lies in its affordability, performance, and customization options. The ability to optimize and tailor server settings to our specific needs, along with cost-effectiveness, is a major advantage.

KloudBean: How do you utilize KloudBean to address the challenges faced by Taskar Group?

Shubham Chauhan: KloudBean effectively addresses our hosting and infrastructure challenges, ensuring our healthcare projects run smoothly. The exceptional customer support provided by KloudBean’s team has been instrumental in resolving any issues promptly.

KloudBean: How has KloudBean contributed to the success of Tasker Group, and how do its features align with your needs?

Shubham Chauhan: KloudBean’s scalability, affordability, and high-performance hosting have played a crucial role in Taskar Group’s success. The ability to scale resources as needed ensures our healthcare projects thrive.

KloudBean: Out of the cloud providers available on KloudBean, which one(s) do you prefer to use and why?

Shubham Chauhan: We prefer KloudBean’s services as they have provided the ideal solution for our needs.

KloudBean: What values do you perceive from KloudBean?

Shubham Chauhan: The top three values from KloudBean, in my perspective, are affordability, exceptional performance, and high-quality service.

KloudBean: How do you feel about the partnership between Taskar Group and KloudBean?

Shubham Chauhan: Our partnership with KloudBean has been incredibly beneficial. The support, discounts, and access to industry seminars have added immense value. We foresee this partnership driving Tasker Group’s growth in the long run.

KloudBean: Did switching to KloudBean free up resources for Taskar Group, and if so, how were these resources utilized?

Shubham Chauhan: Yes, switching to KloudBean freed up valuable resources, which we have allocated to further enhance our healthcare projects and expand our services.

KloudBean: What features or improvements would you like to see from KloudBean in the future?

Shubham Chauhan: Currently, KloudBean provides all the features we need as an organization. We are highly satisfied with their services.