How to secure your wordpress website from malware


In today’s online world, WordPress is a top pick for creating websites because it’s so widely used. Its easy-to-use interface and many plugins make it a hit with individuals and businesses alike. But being popular also means being a target. Malicious folks often go after WordPress sites, trying to find weaknesses they can exploit for their own gain.

In this article, we will see how we can protect our WordPress site from malware.

Keep Your WordPress Version Updated

WordPress releases regular updates to increase performance and security. When you log in to your WordPress CMS, you’ll see any new updates right on the dashboard. You can update WordPress directly from there. Keeping your website up to date with regular updates is important because it helps keep your site safe from any potential threats. This means not only updating WordPress itself but also keeping your themes and plugins current.

To see if you have the latest version of WordPress, log in to your WordPress admin area and go to Dashboard → Updates in the menu on the left side. If it says your version isn’t up to date, it’s a good idea to update it right away.

Use Strong and Unique Passwords

Using strong and unique passwords is crucial for protecting your WordPress website from unauthorized access. Choose passwords that are complex, combining letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts to prevent a single breach from compromising all your online accounts. Consider using a password manager to securely store and manage your passwords.

Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security. In addition to entering their password, users must also verify their identity through a second factor, such as a code sent to their mobile device or generated by an authenticator app. Enable 2FA for all user accounts, including administrators, to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access.

Install a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Installing a Web Application Firewall (WAF) is like adding a protective barrier around your WordPress website. It sits between your site and the internet, filtering out harmful requests before they even get to your server. WAFs are great at spotting and stopping common types of attacks, like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Investing in a reliable WAF solution can help strengthen your website’s defenses against new and evolving threats.

On Kloudbean server premises, you can enable Pro BitNinja Security on server level in a single click. It comes free with the server. You don’t need any other plugin to take care of your website.

wordpress server security

Perform Regular Backups

Performing regular backups is essential for safeguarding your WordPress website. Despite your best security efforts, breaches or data loss can still happen. Having recent backups of your website files and database is invaluable in such situations. Schedule backups regularly and store them securely offsite or in the cloud. This ensures that you can quickly restore your website to a previous state and minimize downtime during emergencies.

Limit User Access and Permissions

Limiting user access and permissions is another crucial step in enhancing security. By restricting access and assigning appropriate roles to users based on their responsibilities, you minimize the risk of unauthorized actions or data exposure. Regularly review and audit user accounts to identify and revoke unnecessary privileges, ensuring that only trusted individuals have access to sensitive features and content.

Monitor Website Activity

Monitoring website activity provides real-time insight into potential security threats. Implement monitoring tools that track changes to files, plugins, and user accounts, alerting you to any suspicious behavior or unauthorized modifications. By staying vigilant and proactive, you can swiftly address security incidents before they escalate, maintaining the integrity of your WordPress website.

Securing your WordPress website from malware requires a proactive and multi-layered approach. By following these best practices and implementing robust security measures, you can mitigate the risk of cyber attacks and safeguard your website’s integrity and reputation. Remember that security is an ongoing process, and regular maintenance and vigilance are key to staying one step ahead of evolving threats.

Here are five tools that will make it easier to Manage Multiple WordPress Sites

Here are five tools that will make it easier to Manage Multiple WordPress sites.

This process could be hard to understand and take a lot of time if you are in charge of multiple WordPress sites for clients or your own. To make sure each site is up-to-date, safe, and works well, you will need to log in to each one.

This is where a tool for managing WordPress can be useful.

It gives you access to many websites from a single screen. This will make site management jobs easier and help you work faster.

Here is a list of the five best tools for managing more than one WordPress site. We’ll go over each app and show you how to use its features so you can pick the best WordPress management tool for your needs and for your money.

Why Use a WordPress Management Tool to Take Care of More Than One Site?

There are two ways to make managing a WordPress blog easier. First, you can turn on WordPress Multisite, which lets you run more than one WordPress site from the same system and server.

This choice is only good for handling websites that use the same WordPress core files, though. You can’t make the plugins different for each client because once you install one on a client site, it’s available on all the other sites on the network.

Choose a specialised WordPress management tool if you want more freedom.

That kind of tool, like WordPress Multisite, lets you run more than one website from a single panel that isn’t WordPress.

Your clients don’t have to use the same tool because it doesn’t share the same WordPress core files.

Also, since the websites don’t share the same server resources, a quick increase in traffic on one site won’t slow down the network as a whole.

So, a WordPress control tool will help you grow your business and save you time and work.

What You Should Look for in a Site Manager for WordPress

Our WordPress experts looked for the following features to help them handle multiple sites when they made our list of the five best tools:

  • Login with one click. You should be able to use one screen to get to more than one site.
  • Updates in bulk. Some of these are keeping themes, plugins, and the core files of WordPress up to date.
  • Backing up. A trustworthy tool should have either manual or automatic backups in case of a disaster.

Besides that, we focused on extra features like security checks, uptime tracking, SEO audits, analytics reporting, and managing users. But most of these functions are only available in paid versions.

Also, all of these tools for managing various WordPress sites work with the most recent changes to the CMS.

If you have a lot of websites, Kloudbean Pro Panel can also help you keep track of them:

With Pro Panel, users can control every part of their WordPress sites from a single screen. It is possible to:

  • You can easily keep plugins, themes, and WordPress versions up to date on one or more websites with just one click.
  • You can add to, make, or change any WordPress site that’s already there.
  • Watch how well and safely your website works.
  • Handle domains.

Five of the best tools for managing multiple WordPress sites

These are the five best tools for managing more than one WordPress site:

    1. MainWP

Stats for MainWP:

      • This is the best WordPress management tool for tech-savvy users who want more power over their site.
      • Price: freemium, from $29 a month

MainWP is a powerful plugin that lets users handle multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard. This includes sites that are hosted on different servers and web hosts.

With just one click, users can easily handle installed plugins and themes, check for updates, and get rid of ones that aren’t being used.

It is also open source and very easy to change. MainWP has API hooks and its source code is on GitHub. This makes it perfect for writers who want to have more control over their plugins.

WordPress users need to get two plugins in order to use this tool. Install the MainWP Dashboard plugin on an admin site first. An admin site is a new WordPress site that doesn’t have any other plugins or themes installed.

Next, add the MainWP Child plugin to the sites you want to control and link them to the master site.

After that, you can use the dashboard of the admin site to keep an eye on and control all of your Child sites.

Its free version lets you handle as many websites as you want. It also has useful tools for managing websites, like security checks, uptime tracking, managing updates, and regular backups.

But to use all of its features, you need to pay for the paid plan, which starts at $29 a month and lets you use it on an unlimited number of sites. You could also buy a licence for life for $499.

With the paid version, you can use more than 30 premium add-ons to make the MainWP dashboard better.

These include third-party add-ons for managing content, keeping an eye on page speed, white labelling, regular backups, cloning WordPress, and caching the web.

MainWP also gives users detailed instructions, a knowledge base, and a helpful community to help them set up the tool and fix problems.

Important Things

      • Custom dashboard. You can pick from a number of pre-made themes. You can also change current themes, fonts, colours, or where buttons are placed on the MainWP dashboard by adding code to the WordPress site.
      • Lock the dashboard. Controlling who can see the MainWP panel is an extra way to keep it safe. You can also make sure that only certain IP addresses can get to the wp-admin pages and wp-login.php.
      • Shortcuts for WooCommerce. From the MainWP dashboard, you can quickly get to the WooCommerce pages on your Child sites, like the product pages, sales, coupons, and shipping settings.
      • Managing a lot of material. You can write, publish, change, and delete multiple pages and posts from the MainWP dashboard, so you don’t have to log into each site separately.
      • Updates the managers. A lot of changes can be set to happen at once, and you’ll be notified when they’re done. This includes updates to the heart of WordPress, plugins, themes, and translations. The plugin also finds apps or themes that are out of date.
      • Adding compression to WP. It’s easy to make all of your websites’ file sizes smaller so that their pages load faster. It also includes rearranging images and optimising large groups of images using different compression modes.


    1. InfiniteWP

Stats for InfiniteWP:

      • Best for: anyone who wants a safe way to handle WordPress
      • Freemium, with prices starting at $147/year

Like MainWP, InfiniteWP is a safe way to handle WordPress sites. It also needs one WordPress site to act as a hub for handling all the other websites that are linked to it from the InfiniteWP admin panel.

Multiple levels of security are built into InfiniteWP to keep your admin panel safe. These include limiting IP addresses, two-factor authentication, a password-protected folder, and HTTPS support.

It can be set up in three ways: with an installer plugin, a control panel, or by uploading the plugin to your computer by hand.

After setting it up, all you have to do is add the WordPress sites you want to control.

The app is easy to use once it is set up, but it can be hard to install at first, and the interface looks a little old.

Guides, forums, a knowledge base, and ticket support are all built into the tool to help users with installation and problems. But its reaction time changes based on the plan you buy, from four days for the free plan to up to twelve hours for the Enterprise plan.

The free version of InfiniteWP only lets you get to the main dashboard with one click, make backups and restore them, and update all linked sites.

You might want to sign up for one of its paid plans, which start at $147/year for up to ten sites and give you access to its best features.

Security scans and different add-ons for site analytics, maintenance, and reports are part of its premium plans.

Important Things

      • Setting up WordPress. You can try updates, make changes to plugins, and make other changes to a copy of your site without affecting the live site.
      • Moving on. Move a current site to a new location safely. The tool will instantly change all links so that they don’t lead to error pages.
      • Update with one click. With just one click, you can run bulk changes for plugins, themes, and translations on one or more sites. A log of activities can also be seen by users.
      • The cloud and regular saves. Set up regular backups to happen every day, every week, or every month, and save them in the cloud with services like Google Drive and Dropbox.
      • Several safety steps. Using security plugins like WordFence, Google Safe Browsing, and iThemes Security on your WordPress sites will keep them safe from malware and other online risks. If a hack happens, users will be notified right away by email.
      • Reporting to clients. You can help your customers show information about their businesses by giving them simple or fancy report templates to choose from.
      • Monitoring for Uptime. It monitors keywords, port access, and ping. InfiniteWP not only lets users know when the site is down, but it also describes what might have caused it.
      • Adding the Broken Link Checker. This WordPress tool not only finds broken links, but it also lets users remove or change them right from the InfiniteWP dashboard.
      • Adding maintenance to WordPress. Take care of spam comments, make database tables work better, delete post changes, and set posts to automatically draught.


    1. The CMS Commander

Facts about CMS Commander:

      • The best for: running partner websites
      • Price: $12 a month at first

CMS Commander is a popular premium WordPress control tool that has an easy-to-use interface that is simple but powerful.

The client sites are linked to the main website, just like other plugins do to help WordPress users handle multiple sites from a single dashboard.

CMS Commander is different from other WordPress management tools because it lets you create content by giving you access to more than 20 sources, such as Flickr, Amazon, YouTube, and iTunes. Users can use them to showcase photos, add videos, write blog posts, and add business links.

It’s easy to optimise, create, or make money from content with its content curation tool, which makes it perfect for managing multiple affiliate marketing websites.

People who are having problems can email the CMS Commander help team or use its Twitter and Facebook pages to get in touch with them. It also comes with instructions on how to get the most out of the tool’s features.

The price of CMS Commander changes based on how many sites you want to control.

The Starter plan costs between $8 and $20 per month, depending on how many sites and users you want. If you manage a lot of websites for clients, you should choose one of its Business plans. For $35 and $75 per month, these plans let you control between 50 and 200 websites.

You can also add more sub-user accounts, which cost $9 a month for 20 people. That way, you can let clients or coworkers use your website and keep track of their access.

CMS Commander does not have a free demo, but it does give a free trial that lets you use all of its features for 30 days.

Important Things

      • Integrations with affiliate networks. Works with well-known affiliate marketing programmes like Amazon, CJ, and eBay, and helps users keep track of the data for each network.
      • Tracks backlinks automatically. Shows the number of backlinks to each managed page. This shows the total amount of backlinks, new links, and links that don’t follow. These numbers are changed every two weeks.
      • Tracking page speed. It displays the average response time of all WordPress sites that are linked.
      • Editing a lot. Users can change keywords, thumbnail images, and affiliate links in multiple pieces of published material at the same time.
      • Planning the content. Makes it easier to post uniform content to all of your WordPress sites.
      • Bring in content. You can upload information to WordPress in multiple formats at the same time, such as RSS Feeds and CSV.
      • Versions in many languages. The control dashboard of CMS Commander can be used in French, Dutch, Portuguese, German, and Chinese.
      • Different places to store backups. There is an FTP site, email, Dropbox, Amazon S3, and Google Drive accounts, as well as the server where the backup was made.
      • Templates for making websites. Users can install a new WordPress that comes with templates that are already set up with plugins and other settings active.


    1. ManageWP

Stats for ManageWP:

      • Web firms should use this.
      • Price: it’s free, but paid add-ons start at $1/site.

ManageWP is another one on the list. It’s a simple WordPress plugin that lets you handle various WordPress sites. Just go to its main site and make a new account to start using it.

Then, add the ManageWP worker plugin to the sites you want to oversee. Finally, use the WordPress admin login information to link those sites to the ManageWP homepage.

Users can do important site management tasks from the main panel, such as updating plugins, themes, and WordPress core files with just one click.

It also has a tool that works with Google Analytics and lets you check for security and see how well your site is doing.

One of the best things about this tool is that both free and paid users can get help from it. There is also a full user guide, forums, and help through tickets.

ManageWP has a free version that lets you use it on an unlimited number of sites, but you can only get advanced tools by paying extra, starting at $1/site/month.

For instance, the free monthly backup comes with scheduled backups, storage off-site, and the ability to recover with just one click. Get the paid Backup add-on to get access to automatic and on-demand backups.

Because you can choose from many upgrades, this tool is great for web companies that are in charge of different client websites.

ManageWP also has a bundle deal that can be used for up to 100 websites for people who are in charge of more than 25 websites. Users can pay $25 a month for each add-on.

But the complicated prices for more advanced functions can add up over time. Other tools, on the other hand, offer the same benefits at a lower cost.

Important Things

      • Client records that can be changed. Change the header, footer, cover page, colours, and fonts. Also, translate the text into different languages. You can white label, schedule, send group reports, and send the report from your email address with premium access.
      • Ranking for SEO. The tool shows your major competitors, keyword ranking history, and website visibility as part of the client reports.
      • Pieces of code. For even more customization, tech-savvy users can write and run their own code from the ManageWP Dashboard. This includes changing the settings for plugins, editing material, or adding new widgets.
      • Mode for maintenance. Offers templates that can be changed to let users know when the website is down for maintenance.
      • Updates that are safe. Plan changes for times when there isn’t much traffic. Make backups automatically before you change any plugins or themes. You will be able to get back to the backup if something goes wrong during the changes.
      • Clone smart. Users can copy the website to a WordPress staging area or a new web hosting service when they buy the paid Backup add-on. The tool checks the source and target files for duplicates and skips them, which saves time.
      • Work together tool. Makes working together with clients and teams easier by giving them access to maintenance tasks. All you have to do is type in their email names and then switch between the accounts.
      • Watch the link. daily checks all of the sites they are in charge of for broken links and lets users know about pages that won’t load. Then, from the ManageWP panel, users can change the link, remove text links, or add a nofollow tag.


    1. Promote WPRemote

Stats for WP Remote:

      • Ideal for: people who want an easy-to-use WordPress manager
      • Price: freemium, from $29 a month

WPRemote could be the right tool for you if you want an easy way to handle multiple WordPress installations.

With an easy-to-use interface, users can easily make backups, update the core files of WordPress, and scan multiple client sites for malware without having to log in to each one.

From the main WP Remote dashboard, you can also add a new WordPress app or theme.

To begin, make an account on the official site, which is also where the main WP Remote homepage is located. Next, add the free WPRemote tool to each client site so that it can connect to the dashboard.

Installation can be done in two ways: by hand or automatically. This one lets users install the plugin on client sites without leaving the main WPRemote panel. To do this, just give the URL of your site and your WordPress admin login information.

You can use the tool for free, but to get all of its benefits, you have to pay for one of its premium plans. The prices for each area of WP Remote also change based on how many sites you’re in charge of.

The most basic plan costs $29 a month for five sites and $99 a month for twenty sites.

In addition, WP Remote has an active forum, a large knowledge base, and email help.

Important Things

    • Testing by looking. See what the site will look like before the changes go live. That way, you can be sure that the new code changes won’t make it hard to use the site.
    • Setting for staging. With one click, you can make temporary sites. The tool turns off Google indexing immediately, which keeps the website from showing up in search results and hurts the SEO of the live site.
    • Backing up often. You can set up backups to happen automatically or make one every time you make a change. As an extra safety measure, it stores your backup information for a year.
    • Reports for advanced clients. Make personalised reports automatically for backups, updates, website performance, uptime, or security problems you’ve taken care of. Set up reports to be sent once, once a week, or once a month in more than one language.
    • Right away get rid of malware. Find malware before it takes over the whole site and quickly remove it with just one click.
    • Smart protection for web apps. Keep bad network traffic and unauthorised remote access from getting to the site.
    • Watching the site. Keep an eye on how fast and well client sites are running. This tool will send you a message through Slack or email as soon as a website goes down.


It can be more productive and efficient to use a tool that lets you manage multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard.

Because there are so many WordPress management tools out there, you should think about your wants and budget before picking one.

If you want to handle more than one WordPress site, we suggest the following tools:

  • The MainWP. Because it’s open source and has API hooks, it’s best for people who want to add more features and customise their WordPress sites.
  • With InfiniteWP. It’s perfect for people who care a lot about website security because it protects their main panel in more than one way.
  • Commander for CMS. It’s great for people who run affiliate marketing or content-heavy websites because it lets them add ads and handle blog posts.
  • ManageWP. It’s suggested for website companies because it lets them make upgrades to each client’s website separately and has cheaper bundle prices.
  • Get WPRemote. Suitable for people who want an easy-to-use tool to handle multiple WordPress sites.

Now that you know about a few different WordPress management tools, it’s time to choose the one that will help your business grow the most. Still not sure? Try the free versions first and then upgrade if you need to.